October 2016 Family Spotlight: Dr. Google - "No Answers This Time"
We are lucky, at least that's how we feel after every visit to the children’s hospital. Our kids are mobile, they express love and...
June 2016 Family Spotlight: My Miracle!!
February 7, 2011 my whole world changed. My baby hadn’t moved in my womb the way she had been. I went to the doctor, they did a...
April 2016 Family Spotlight: Shopping for Syndromes
Sonny slept like a beautiful angel for the first five weeks of his life. I luxuriated in my perfect little family. My sweetheart husband,...
March 2016 Family Spotlight: Happy Father's Day
“Happy Father’s Day” I casually told P almost 7 years ago. The look on his face said it all, “oh.” Since then, there have been many “oh”...
February 2016 Family Spotlight: A World Filled With Abbreviations
In 2005, Jaxon entered life experiencing a traumatic birth with a nuchal cord (umbilical cord wrapped around the neck) three times, which...
January 2016 Family Spotlight: Little Miss A
At Miss A’s four month check-up I expressed concerns about her not wanting to roll over, but the doctor answered that babies all do...
December 2015 Family Spotlight in English & French: "Finding Hope"
This is our story, the story of a child, waiting for 8 years and then this birth, which we give joy to finally be parents. We do not know...